So, the challenge for you and me as Christ followers is to focus our walk with Christ in such a manner that we are daily attempting to walk by faith in our personal relationship with Christ and allow Him to expand our comfort zone and spiritual maturity all at the same time. It is a place of spiritual tension, a place where when we exercise our spiritual muscles, we find ourselves in a new growth period experiencing growing pains much as we did in our younger years as a human being. The same is true for our church corporately as we face new challenges as a body of believers here in 2024. I love what the apostle Paul says by of encouragement to the believers at the church in Thessalonica when he writes in 1 Thessalonians 5:24, “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”
I pray that as members of the body here at GRPBC, we want to be more and do more in 2024 to advance our relationship with Christ, each other, and the kingdom’s work in our area and around our world. I love what John Maxwell says, “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” This is part of our faith development and developing our spiritual muscles so we can do more in 2024.