As John Maxwell is fond of saying, “Wherever you find yourself there you are,” and so he we are starting off a new year of opportunities. It has been said, “you cannot stay where you are spiritually speaking, and go with God.” So, in this new year of opportunities let us seek to deepen our faith. I pray this year will find us seeking new opportunities to spend more time in God’s word to mature us, challenge and bless us. Then as we move about in the marketplace of life we begin to live out, to apply God’s truths to our lives for others to see and be challenged to explore the claims of Christ upon their lives. Our spiritual roots and the depth of those roots determine our spiritual fruit production. Jesus said in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are branches. If a man [person] remains in me and I in him, he will bear much [not some, not a little] fruit; apart from me you can do nothing,” NIV. Spiritual growth isn’t automatic; we have to be intentional about it. Let’s be intentional in this new year about growing deeper spiritually and applying more of God’s truths to our lives so that our lives reflect the light of this world, Jesus.